Video Stamps

Add videos to your travel and personal photobooks.
Send private video messages on paper.
Share videos on paper with multiple people.
Photo Stamps
Video Stamps
Photo Stamps
Video Stamps
Video Cards
Photo Stamps
Video Stamps
Video Cards
VS1 Stamps?
1 user.
Use it in your photobooks and photo albums. Print your videos on paper the same way you do with any other photo. Travel holidays, wedding moments, newborn and baby life experiences, personal videos, etc.
VS121 Stamps?
1 to 1 messaging.
Up to 3 users.
Use it to send a personal and private video messages on paper to someone you like and love. Use a secret question to challenge the receiver. Only the person who know the answer will be able to watch it.
VS14ALL Stamps?
1 for ALL messaging.
From 10 to 1000 users or more. Increase users and usage dynamically as you need.
Use it to send a video message on paper to multiple people at the same time. Use it in your wedding invitations, for group notifications or for marketting and promotional campaigns.